Maple Class

Welcome back to Term 5 in Maple Class!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break! We have a couple of trips this term and lots of fun learning opportunities ahead, that I am sure your children will all love!

In Geography this term we will be looking at the landscape of Kent and our local area and answer the question - Is the landscape of Kent the same? Our focus in science is ‘Plants’, which will link to our trip to Riverhill Himalayan Gardens in Week 2! And in RE we will be learning about Islam and answering the question - who is Muslim and what do they believe? Later in the term we will be exploring lots of new skills in our DT lessons where will be using textiles to make a money pocket.

 Our PE days continue to be Mondays and Tuesdays, and the children will be learning skills for Rounders and where the weather wasn't too nice last term we will be continuing our Orienteering unit from last term. Please can I remind you that children should wear navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms, a house-coloured t-shirt, school cardigan/jumper or fleece. Long hair must be tied up and no jewellery is to be worn.

Spellings for the whole term can be found on the pages below. Mathletics will be set weekly and don’t forget to regularly check Mr Jones’ TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) challenges. This term we will also be continuing our weekly times tables test to build confidence and fluency in the this area. I will post some links to some other free games you access from home to help with this! Please see the inside of your reading record for support in reading at home, as well as our reading aims as a school.

If you need to contact me, you can drop me a message on Class Dojo or call the office to arrange a meeting or phone call with me.

Thank you in advance for your support 

Curriculum Map Term 5

History Knowledge Organisers

Science Knowledge Organisers

Geography Knowledge Organisers

Miss E Gower supported by Mrs J Holdstock and Mrs N Walker