Medical Needs

At St George’s CE Primary School we support children with a range of medical needs and work closely with outside agencies to ensure we provide the best possible care.

First Aid training has been delivered to many of our staff team and our Early Years Staff has attended Paediatric First Aid courses.  We also access specific training for staff working closely with children with more complex needs.

We have a defibrillator in school and our staff are trained to use it in an emergency, this is also available for use by the local community.


Individual Health Care Plans (IHPs)

All children with medical needs will have an Individual Health Care plan written in conjunction with school and their healthcare professional and/or school nurse. These are reviewed annually to ensure all knowledge is kept up to date. All staff are made aware of any changes made.










"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together