Governing Body

Governing Body 

Together, with the Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team, we are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education.

We meet regularly to monitor the progress of children throughout their time at our school and provide challenge and support to the Head Teacher, drawing on our knowledge and experience.

We have three strands to the role:

  • To Provide a Strategic view of where the school is going.  What are the long term aims, how will the school achieve them and how do governors know how effective the school is?
  • To Act as a Critical Friend by supporting the school and its work, through monitoring & evaluating the school’s effectiveness in raising standards.
  • To Ensure Accountability

We also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:

  • Determining how the school’s budget is spent
  • The appointing and dismissing of staff
  • Hearing appeals and grievances
  • Forming policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship
  • Setting standards for pupils’ behaviour and discipline
  • Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
  • Setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies

Governors receive training on an on-going basis and also meet with Governors of other governing bodies to share good practice and skills.

In addition to the above, Governors are very visible within the school and plan an active part in celebrating the success of the children.  We try hard to be a part of everyday school life and to find time to support school activities and events.  

If you have a concern and would like to contact any of the School Governors, please email Tom Winek, Clerk to Governors on 

On 15th July 2021 the Governing Body was reconstituted in line with DfE and Kent County Council recommendations and is now made up of:

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 5 Co-opted Governors
  • 2 Foundation Governors
  • 1 Ex-Officio Foundation Governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 1 Staff

The Full Governing Body meets three times a year to discuss and report on all key aspects of the school.

In addition, the FGB has three sub-committees 

There are three main additional sub-committees. Governors are allocated to a committee relevant to skills in order to monitor and evaluate standards against the School Improvement Plan.  

  • Finance (including Personnel) and Buildings (responsible for agreeing and overseeing building maintenance and school grounds)
  • Worship and Ethos (responsible for monitoring and promoting our school’s Christian core values which serve to underpin our Christian ethos)
  • Improvement, Inclusion and Curriculum (responsible for monitoring the standards of teaching and learning within our school)

The above sub-committees meet at least 3-6 times a year to discuss their areas of responsibility in more detail, this information then being fed back to the FGB.

We also have committees that meet as and when required to consider Headteacher Performance Management, safeguarding and pupil discipline.

At St.George’s, our mission is to create a culture that brings faith and learning together. As a Christian School, we value each pupil as an individual, and we work together to ensure that each child reaches his or her full potential, reflecting the principles of the Christian faith as exemplified by St.George: – Respect, Honesty, Courage, Kindness, Forgiveness and Hope.

Together we create a safe and caring school community in which every voice is valued and everyone empowered to be the best that he or she can be.

This statement has been drawn up in accordance with the Education and Inspection Act 2006 and the Department for Education (DfE) Guidance for Governors on Behaviour and Discipline in Schools, January 2016. The purpose of the statement is to provide guidance to the Headteacher in drafting the school’s Behaviour Policy so that it reflects the values of the school and the shared aspirations of governors, parents/carers of pupils, staff and pupils at the school. It also highlights appropriate legislation and guidance which need to be reflected in the policy.

The Headteacher must ensure that the Behaviour Policy is made available to staff, parents/carers and pupils and is posted on the school website. The Policy and Statement of Principles will be reviewed annually.

Full Governing Body - Register of Business Interests 

Previous Governors

Title First Name Surname End Date Position Governor Type
Mr Brian Saunders 5-Feb-18   Co-Opted
Mr James Newbold 21-Nov-16   Parent Governor
Mr Simon Russell-Flint 22-Jun-16   Associate Governor
Mrs Marleen Harvey-Kelly 23-Feb-16 Chair  Foundation Governor
Ms Ann Reilly 31-Jan-16   Associate Governor
Mrs  Lara Puttock 31-Jan-16 Chair   Parent Governor


The Governing Body acts as a critical friend.  To do this it has kept informed about the performance of staff and pupils, including the quality of teaching and progress towards the priorities identified in the School Improvement Plan and the Ofsted Inspection.   The Governing Body has monitored the School Improvement Plan and set objectives.   This has been achieved through discussion and questioning of the Headteacher’s report and by governors’ first hand observations in the school. A structured and purposeful programme of governor visits was established to enable Governors to have a clearer understanding of systems in place to enable children to make good or better than expected progress in their learning.  

The Headteacher submits a report prior to the full governing body meetings which enables governors to put questions to the Headteacher during the meeting. We have been working with the Headteacher to drive through school improvements both in pupil achievement and in the school environment, culminating the School’s excellent SAT’s results. 

The Governing Body participated in a skills audit to ensure governors have the skills required and undertook training to enable them to carry out their role effectively.

Key challenges through the year are:

  • Pupil achievement and progress to ensure school is on track to achieve targets for all pupils.
  • How our disadvantaged children are supported.
  • How the Pupil Premium Grant is being spent by the school and its impact.
  • Impact of Sports Premium Grant.
  • Monitoring of annual Health and Safety Audit, ensured the fire policy and emergency evacuation plan was up to date and ensured that risk assessments are in place.
  • Monitoring the school budget and asking challenging questions about how spending aligns with the budget, thus ensuring solvency and probity thereby ensuring financial resources were used effectively.
  • Staff restructuring.
  • Review of school policies to ensure compliance with DfE regulations. They have ensured safeguarding policies and practices were rigorous through regular discussions and reviews in order to fulfil their statutory duties.

We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents.  The Chair of Governors Mr Neil Townley can be contacted via the office email:

How to become a Governor

Governors are people, from all walks of life, who have an interest in the role of schools in society and wish to make a positive contribution to their communities.  They have enquiring minds and contribute to the effective running of the school and the educational achievements of its pupils.

The Governing Body is given their powers and duties as an incorporated body.  The statutory responsibilities of the Governing Body are detailed in Section 21 of the Education Act 2002.    Governors do not incur any personal liability in respect of any actions or decisions taken in good faith.

For more information on becoming a governor please contact the office by email:


Governors Attendance

Over the academic year 2022-2023 Governors have excellent attendance at meetings, given many hours of committee voluntary service to the school and a meeting has never been cancelled because it was not ‘quorate’.

These include five full governing body meetings (FGB) and three sub-committee meetings*:

Mr Neil Townley (Chair) 9 out of 9 (5 FGB; 4 IIC)

Mrs Nicola Symes (Vice Chair) 8 out of 8 (5 FGB; 3 F&P)

Mrs Sandy Chapman 11 out of 11 (5 FGB; 3 V&W; 3 Safeguarding)

Mrs Susan Smith 2 out of 8 (2 FGB; 0 V&W) – resigned December 2022

Mrs Sue Wood 8 out of 12 (3 FGB; 3 IIC; 2 Safeguarding)

Reverend Edward Wright 7 out of 8 (4 FGB; 3 V&W)

Mrs Salwa Tunio 11 out of 12 (5 FGB; 3 IIC; 3 Safeguarding)

Mr Nicholas Castell 6 out of 8 (4 FGB: 2 IIC)

Mr Hadley Watling 5 out of 8 (2 FGB: 3 F&P)

Mr Matthew Bournat 2 out of 5 (2FGB) – appointed May 2023

*Sub-committee Acronyms:

IIC Improvement, Inclusion and Curriculum

V&W Vision and Worship

F&P Finance and premises








"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together