History of St George's

The History of Our School

There has been a primary school in Wrotham since 1870. The original school was sited along the Gravesend Road, and forged close links with the parish church. Over the years the school out-grew its Victorian building. Eventually, the school made the ‘big move’ across the village to the present building on 15th September 1970, described as ‘smart, new and attractive.’

Our school today

We build upon the strength of our village foundations by welcoming all children from a range of backgrounds. We offer many experiences beyond our village community to help children to find their place in a dynamic and cosmopolitan society.

On our beautiful five-acre site, we have a large playing field, a key stage 1 playground with purpose built play equipment, a key stage 2 playground with a quiet area and eco-garden attached. A woodland area which includes a tree trail and a conservation area. We use all of these facilities to enhance the curriculum for your child.







"Letting Our Light Shine" (Matthew 5:16) - By Bringing Faith and Education Together